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29 April 2009

Hello, people out there.
Got Sukan raptai 2day. Damn angry. Urgh!!!I found 1 dumb pp.Nobody else as dumb as IT. Doesnt u people study moral?? Dunt u noe about sikap keterbukaan???Wat about mind yr own buisness?!This is none of yr pees-wags!!!I cant believe there's such dumbfounded person in CHS. How can IT even get into CHS???U noe wat I really wanted to do now??To kick Its stupid ass!!! Where got such people who's as recalciltrant as an ass. It is IT's fault & IT said was me. STUPID!!!I hate this!!! & I am sorry 2 anyone whom i may 得罪 2day. I still need 2 work on my patience & my 'controling anger' skills. I have 2 go & work it out. Or else I may smash the computer.Tata.