Hello, people out there.
Yay!! I've got an A in my english! This is my 1st A in this exam. Yea..my marks had gone down alot tis time. But still, I got 10/10 in the novel Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde part!
Before I take my leave, I shall wish Loh Xiang Ying, my best neighbour & BFF a very happie birthday!!!
29 June 2009
Posted by 天使的微笑(Michelle) at 1:42 AM 0 comments
28 June 2009
Hello, people out there.
Aw...I had bad results. It is not a big deal if dont have parents like mine. Mom nag, nag & naged, brag, brag & bragged about my marks. Oh, my poor ears! Pity them!
Posted by 天使的微笑(Michelle) at 6:38 AM 0 comments
27 June 2009
Hello, people out there.
Have you heard the latest news? Michael Jackson was dead!! It is such big loss to the society. I wish that he can RIP.
So..about my latest news, mayb u still dunno, but i dun care. I'll still give you my full support if u know what i meant. Gambateh! U wont die without me. Good luck to you all then. I may & may not go to yr concert.
Posted by 天使的微笑(Michelle) at 3:03 AM 0 comments
25 June 2009
Hello, people out there.
So....this is the end of my cocuriculum activity. I shall not repeat my mistakes again & again. I wont regret on any choices that i've made. So, dont try to change my mind! I dont care about whatever u will think about me. I DONT CARE!!! My choice is what matters 2 me.
Posted by 天使的微笑(Michelle) at 7:06 AM 0 comments
24 June 2009
Hello, people out there.
So...daddy fianally came home. I wish that he will be fine...&..oh, I wish that my other results wont be as bad as 2day's. 55555
Posted by 天使的微笑(Michelle) at 12:04 AM 0 comments
22 June 2009
Hello, people out there.
EXAMS WERE OFFICIALY OVER!!! woooooohooooooo!!!!!!!Lets celebrate 1st & dunt think about the results.
Posted by 天使的微笑(Michelle) at 11:43 PM 0 comments
Hello, people out there.
All the major exams were finally officialy off but I still have PJPK & seni. Argh! Lets just ignore it & start celebratin about FINALLY FINISH EXAMS!!! I really wish tat I can get gud results this time(not just memuaskan).
Posted by 天使的微笑(Michelle) at 1:22 AM 0 comments
21 June 2009
Hello, people out there.
Many things happened 2 me in these 2 days.
1st, my dad got an accident that hurt his neck's bone. Then he was emited hospital.
2nd, he may need 2 stay in there 4 a few days. Docter said that he was very lucky. He may had be paralysed! He may need 2 do a surgery. 55555, nobody is going 2 send me 2 school these days... 大难不死必有后福。Maybe i should go buy lottery...
3rd, I was chasing my dog like mad cause it bit smt it shouldn't be bitting but did. & it wouldn't let go!!!
Reminder 2 self, Dad's docter said not 2 study medicine next time(especially not 2 be a be a docter!)
Posted by 天使的微笑(Michelle) at 5:19 AM 0 comments
18 June 2009
Hello, people out there.
Where is my hero when I need him?! Maths were sooooo hard! Tis is the 1st time ever tat I did not have enough time 2 finish my maths!!!& my mother expects me 2 get an A? I AM DOOMED!! Gah!! & 2mr moral & sejarah!! I hate all those nilais. Y do we hav 2 study this kind of stuff. Booooorin much? Y not just give us marks depending on yr attitude? What if smb w/ very good memory memorized all nilai but got bad attitude? He gets an A? Tat is so unfair! Urgh! Gotta study sej.
Posted by 天使的微笑(Michelle) at 2:51 AM 0 comments
16 June 2009
Hello, people out there.
Whoa! 2day's science paper is really hard! I was brainstorming until I got brain freeze-_-Hope I can do better 2mr. Must fit in as much moral nilai as I can.
Posted by 天使的微笑(Michelle) at 11:16 PM 0 comments
15 June 2009
Hello, people out there.
1st day of mid-term exam...not bad lah.. I would say on my test. I went shoppin after school. Hope 2 get better results this time. So..Gambateh!
Posted by 天使的微笑(Michelle) at 5:16 AM 0 comments
13 June 2009
Hello, people out there.
I had wasted the whole holiday of mine! All I did these days was bloggin, playin games, watchin TV...I did not even do revision! What is the use of regreting now? The mid-term exam is 2mr! How am I going 2 sit 4 my mid-term exam?? Somebody teach me!
Posted by 天使的微笑(Michelle) at 7:08 PM 0 comments
12 June 2009
11 June 2009
10 June 2009
Hello, poelpe out there.
I going 2 freak out!!! Only 4 more days till mid-term exam!!! Gambateh!!! Wish me luck in my exams!
Posted by 天使的微笑(Michelle) at 1:02 AM 0 comments
09 June 2009
Hello, poeple out there.
Went tuition 2day, & then went Amcorp 4 lunch. Bought dogfood & shampoo 4 my dog. & then chat w/ friends on9. Watched Wild Child on TV. It was quite nice. Nothin much 2day. My day sucked.
Posted by 天使的微笑(Michelle) at 1:29 AM 0 comments
08 June 2009
Hello, people out there.
Another boring day...Nagged by mother 2 study, went tuition, watched TV, played games & all the usual stuff. BORINGGGG!!! I just cant concenterate on my studies. Everytime I sit down, I will think of that particular saddening matter. Uff! I am hating myself being like this. Y cant I just forget about it & move on? I guess it does really bother me a lot then I expected. U will have the same feeling when smt U worked so hard on was grabbed away from U.
Posted by 天使的微笑(Michelle) at 2:09 AM 0 comments
07 June 2009
Hello, people out there.
Ah..I found 1 interesting game in facebook-Restaurant City. It's quite fun I would say. Try it!
Posted by 天使的微笑(Michelle) at 3:29 AM 0 comments
05 June 2009
Hello, people out there.
Smt very saddening happenned 2 me 2day. I even cried!*~*It had been quite a long time since the last time I cried. It feels good 2 release all my stress. Ah...^_^
A friend in need is a friend indeed. Thanks 4 all the nice people who gave me support & tried 2 cherr me up(but failed) when I was down & 4 those who jeered & laughed when I needed your support so much, you shall pay 4 what you did.
Posted by 天使的微笑(Michelle) at 7:11 AM 0 comments
04 June 2009
Hello, people out there.
I went to a reunion with my old classmates 2day. It was @ my standard 4,5,6's form teacher's house. I had quite a hard time looking 4 the hse. A little ankward seeing those whom was long-lost contact with. So, we chat, chat & chat a lot more. Then we went 2 a playground. I sat on a swing:P. A weird feeling came 2 me as it had been a long time since I last sat on a swing. It was totally fun!!
Stay tuned. Tata.
Posted by 天使的微笑(Michelle) at 4:57 AM 0 comments
03 June 2009
Hello, people out there.
My life continues...boooring! Ah! Everyday, I repeat doing the same thing. Wake up, breakfast...dreaming...sleep. Why cant something good happen to me?
Stay tuned. Tata.
Posted by 天使的微笑(Michelle) at 7:05 AM 0 comments
01 June 2009
I am back!!! Did you miss me? +_+.Haha. I was too tired yesterday, so I did not blog.
Well, overall I did enjoy myself, but tired bcause I had 2 night patrol. I slept @ 2am & woke up @ 6! I loved the 'special night' on Sunday. We had BBQ. My group,group 5 & group 6, Kendrick's group worked 2gether to set up the thing 4 BBQ. He did most of the job:D. Our band ancestors came back & we took pictures w/ our saxophone ancestors...& chat more with my friends till midnight.

BBQing with my partner group.
Fyi, our group lack of experience, so we smached all the charcoel into pieces(as u can see). We should just let it burn by itself. It was too late when we realise it. So, after that we were busy taking out the smashed charcoal & put new 1s in. Well, it was quite an experience.
Clean up time.
Can u spot me? Me in Biru. BTW, rumah biru rawks!!!
I had 2 climb up the chairs & wipe the fan. Whoever's class that is (i guess it is 3A3), u shall thank us. BIG TIME.
So, finally the camp ended. Thank you, group 5 for all the laughter^_^. Although we did not get the best group, but we had tons of fun, dont we?Posted by 天使的微笑(Michelle) at 9:12 PM 0 comments