Yo! People out there.
I am back!!! Did you miss me? +_+.Haha. I was too tired yesterday, so I did not blog.
Well, overall I did enjoy myself, but tired bcause I had 2 night patrol. I slept @ 2am & woke up @ 6! I loved the 'special night' on Sunday. We had BBQ. My group,group 5 & group 6, Kendrick's group worked 2gether to set up the thing 4 BBQ. He did most of the job:D. Our band ancestors came back & we took pictures w/ our saxophone ancestors...& chat more with my friends till midnight.
I am back!!! Did you miss me? +_+.Haha. I was too tired yesterday, so I did not blog.
Well, overall I did enjoy myself, but tired bcause I had 2 night patrol. I slept @ 2am & woke up @ 6! I loved the 'special night' on Sunday. We had BBQ. My group,group 5 & group 6, Kendrick's group worked 2gether to set up the thing 4 BBQ. He did most of the job:D. Our band ancestors came back & we took pictures w/ our saxophone ancestors...& chat more with my friends till midnight.

BBQing with my partner group.
Fyi, our group lack of experience, so we smached all the charcoel into pieces(as u can see). We should just let it burn by itself. It was too late when we realise it. So, after that we were busy taking out the smashed charcoal & put new 1s in. Well, it was quite an experience.
Clean up time.
Can u spot me? Me in Biru. BTW, rumah biru rawks!!!
I had 2 climb up the chairs & wipe the fan. Whoever's class that is (i guess it is 3A3), u shall thank us. BIG TIME.
So, finally the camp ended. Thank you, group 5 for all the laughter^_^. Although we did not get the best group, but we had tons of fun, dont we?
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