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15 October 2009

Imma back

Dear diary,
I am finally back! Miss me? Hah! Course not. Sorry 4 nt bloggin 4 so long. Well...There's PMR though it doesnt matter to me whether PMR or nt. Life still goes on, right? Many things happened. Mainly, these:

  1. Our form teacher, Ms Fan left us & went to teach in UM. I should congrats her, right? But she left b4 PMR! But then again, she did finish the syllabus. Will miss her.
  2. PMR!!! Other pp were freakin out & well I dont. I still continued on my Facebook games but sorry I didnt blog. Too lazy. Addicted to FB games. When other pp was studyin madly cramming their heads. Well, like I said, life goes on. Its just testing wat u learnt in school. If u doesnt pay attention on class, then u fail la. 4 me, it doesnt help if I burn the midnight oil. All I get is black circles around my eyes...
  3. PMR over. No feelin. Some other candidate screaming like hell like he's goin 2 lose his voice 2mr. Well whatever, PMR is just smt small in our life.

Well, thats about all that I can rmb.
