Hello, people out there.
I apologizes 4 ignoring u, dear diary, but I have no choice. I was busy...well u know, teh parents paksa me thingy.
Yesterday, when i was chatting w/ frenz in class, Pn. Teh came & said "I want 2 see these girls." I was thinking, cheh, another disiplinary case, none of my buisness (since I am so good in class >.<) ...Lee Shi Ni! I was shocked. Did she just called my name?! "All these girls go 2 the disipline room now!" Wth!?
After walking unwillingly, I reached the disipline room. Pn. Teh came after about 20 min. "You all wait here 1st, Pn. Joyce will deal w/ you all afterwards." Then I said," Pn.Teh, we went 4 band practise yesterday!" But obviously, she is not smart enough 2 make decision 4 herself, she said,"You tell that 2 Pn. Joyce afterwards." Then she left. What the ...Ok then...we about 10+ girls been called out was chatting in front of the disipline room. Its not a very good place 2 chat...but what 2 do?
Kringggggg...OMG! Its recess oredy?! Pn. Teh finally came again. "You all go 4 recess 1st. After recess, come back here & wait 4 Pn. Joyce." Then she left again. Urgh!!!
Kringgggg again....Its time 2 face ... ? THE THINGS THAT I DID NOT DO!!! We stand outside the disipline room. Its seems like Pn. Joyce forgot about us or mayb she intended 2 make us wait & stand there like a stupid doll. I dunno.
We saw some form 5 classes was spotchecked. 10min later, students who brought barang larangan w/ them were brought here. Then 5min later, a few students came...Its getting crowded here. Hello? This is the disilpine room! 4 godness sake! Ppl seemed so happy to be sent here. Is it because they hate this school so much or they had a crush on the disipline teachers (or mayb En. Tham??!!)
Finally Pn. Joyce came. She got down all our names, & started asking"xxx, y are u sent here?"
xxx answers"Err...ponteng case?" "Wah! So nice ar? Case?" Then she started checking hair, socks, fingernails....Hate her, dont u? After she lectured 4 dunno how long, she said " I wont accept any reasons!" Hello? Which stupid creature even put my name down as ponteng? For godness sake! I was doing smt good 4 the school & the school is punishing me! Is this fair? Is this even logical?! I really felt like giving her a punch in her face!
Then, Jia Ann said(very loud & clearly),"Teacher, we got permission!We went 4 band practise." Then Pn. still doesnt believe! Is she dumbfounded or smt? So stupid! Cant she just look @ our badge or smt. She said,"Where is your proof?" Its lucky 4 us that we got the permission paper. Hah! In yr face! Then she looked @ the paper dumbly, & said, " Ok, U 2 can go back class." She unwillingly let us back class. Is she mad? Like torturing pp is her hobby!
Though I did not get punished, but it wasted my precious time! Gah, nvm.
17 July 2009
Posted by 天使的微笑(Michelle) at 5:57 AM
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