Hello, people out there.
Thanks 2 all that give me support in no matter what way, & thank you 4 polling on my blog. So, the concert was quite a sucess, & we really enjoyed ourselves. Many ex-band members came back & gave thier congrates. Some of them I recognizes, but others I dont as they graduated many years ago.

Thanks 2 all that give me support in no matter what way, & thank you 4 polling on my blog. So, the concert was quite a sucess, & we really enjoyed ourselves. Many ex-band members came back & gave thier congrates. Some of them I recognizes, but others I dont as they graduated many years ago.
The opening ceremony.

Yea...I know its boring...

You can just ignore it...

I know..i know..
Ok ok... Last 1 oredy...
Yay! Photo shoot session!
Victory is ours! Saxophone section! ( + Ex s)
Me & Yee Chin! ( Man! I look ugly w/ all those make-ups)
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