Hello, people out there.
Sorry 4 my absence these days. I was quite busy ma..
EGM(emergency general meeting) was held. Smt was added into the perlembagaan. Surat amaran was given out. This year, many surat given out. Its the most no. I've seen these years. I was 1st to be called out to receive it. FYI, it is not a thing to b proud of, so no cheering. I am really shocked when I opened the letter. It wrote 1) tidak memohon cuti sebanyak 3 kali. 2) sikap yang sangat tidak memuaskan. Wth!! I came 4 every practise! Well expect 4 tat period of time. But do they really expect me to pohon cuti 4 tat? Wat should my alasan be? Next. My attitude? WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY ATTITUDE? Can smb juz kindly explain this 2 me? Urgh! I feel like kicking their ass!
AGM(annual general meeting). New commitee. Bla-bla. After that we, the saxophone section went to Sunway Pyramid. Well, except 4 the 2 new members. Haiz..the form 5s are graduating. Will miss them a lot...

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